Thursday, February 25, 2010

OK - maybe we are crazy

Life in India has been pretty good. Frankly, we are not missing Calgary or work even one iota. The heat here is getting more intense. The mid day high has been 34C for the last few days. Sitting in the shade, reading a book and having a cup of chai today, I was sweating just sitting there. Thus, we have had to adjuist to heat knowing that in May it can be about 10 degrees higher. But for now, we are drinking lots of water, sunscreen, staying out of the mid day sun as much as possible - and - a moped:

The intrepid April - who now loves riding a moped and may be getting one upon return to Calgary

I also quite like it. The dirt roads here mean that you often cover your mouth and nose so as to not such in the dust. Helmets are virtually non-existant here. We rode into the suburbs of the city near here, Pondicherry. We haven't had the nerve to go all the way in yet. When you drive, you mix with buses, trucks, cars, motorcycles, dogs, cows, carts, goats, pedestrians - all wanting the same space.

There is an art that we are coming to appreciate about how the space on the roads work. Essentially, you can occupy any space as long as either someone bigger doesn't want it or someone faster doesn't get it. Seems fair!

One of the other aspects of being out of the country for a perid - Canadian politics are too distant to care about; Indian politics are so corript and complicated one can't care too much and coverage of the Olympics is completely non existant. You also learn patiencce here. For example, the internet has been dow for about 2 days; power shortages occur daily and that is just the way it is! Accept it because sweating it won't get you anywhere. It is fun to watch Westerners sweat it - they get all upset; complain loudly and nothing changes. But it is an entertaining sport to watch.

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