Tuesday, February 9, 2010

These curious white people

Indians tend to vie,w us as these rather odd people that descend on their nation. I was told the other day that, for example, teh mosquitos are a much bigger problem for us than for Indians because mosquitos like white skin better than Indian skin. That is why we whities buy so much mosquito repellant.

Then there is the curious habit we have of trying to dress like them. What of course they don't undertsand, is we don't have clothes that work here. We don't make clothes that come even close to being able to handle the heat here. Yet young Indians are busy dressing more like us with jeans etc.

Then we Westerners seem so impatient. For example, we have a leak from tyhe sink in the washroom. I felt that washing my hand or brushing my teeth should not be met with the liquid remains on the bathroom floor. It has been announced that the problem is the tube from the sink to the drain. For a day, it was removed. Then, the very same tube was reinstalled with a pronouncement that it would be replaced any day. That was over a week ago. The problem is not the tube but a hole in the drain. That will not be considered, however, until the tube is replaced. After all, that is the problem. Only address the new problem after the old one (which is  not a problem) has been addressed. - AH I am wrong - thus proving that people can't be predicted. I have convinced them that it is a hole. I have been told that will require a different repair. When? Coming, no problem! We'll see.

When us whities get impatient, we are told something to the effect - "No problem, coming, 10 minutes". If it is determined that you know nothing about how to fix something, then there is no need to really do it or at least no need to do it properly.

Then there is the question of whether or not you are a sucker. Children will be sent to beg - offering to sell you some small bag or something that has little value but of course, us whities would want to help feed the child. If you say no to the bag, then the inevitable action of looking at your  food and using a hand action indicating I'm hungry please feed me. Learning a steely no to this scam is needed. A yes, leads to the next level of scam moving in on you.

At airports, you have to watch out for the taxi scam. You get half way into town and get told it is another "x" rupees more or you have to get out. There are many honest taxi drivers but they are not aggressive getting you in. At the railway stations, there is the no train today scam which is part of - let me sell you a new ticket. Now one might think these scams are illegal and to be punished rapidly. You learn quickly that the police are of absolutely no value. Indeed, I have observed in my trips to India absolutely no evidence that the police you see from day to day actually do anything but drive around fast, stand still and drink copius amounts of chai. If, as a whitie, you have aporblem, no doubt you caused it so why are you complaining.

On the other hand, we have met maginificent Indians but they see us as curiously as we see them - two peoples from different lands trying to understand the other.

What embarasses me, however, is the way we Westerners deal with our impatience. We can be down right rude. When I pointed this out to a Western local (e.g. someone who lives here) I was told that being rude has its place here. I was also told that Westerners tend to idolize the India that we think exists through our romantic notions. Yes, there are those elements but then I was told Indian society is actually quite aggressive and Westerners are prone to let themselves be walked over. As I reflected on this, I can certainly recall situations where I have been shoved out of line, shoved away from a view because the other person wanted it, argued at about taxi prices that I knew were total exaggerations and so on.

But then I imagine and Indian coming to Canada will look at us askance as well.

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