Saturday, August 6, 2011

Adjusting to the heat

Today is a relatively cool one - only 32 C. With pretty high humidity though. When there is wind, it is a blessed relief for a few moments. Then you start to come to grips with sweating - its just what you do in the sub continent - get on with it!

I have learned that there are some important truths:

1. It is almost impossible to drink too much water;
2. When riding a motor bike, the wind is not going to help much. It just reaches down and sucks up whatever moisture is on your skin leaving it sandpaper dry.
3. My eyes require a good sleep so that they can get the sand and grit out.
4. Chai tea solves everything.

This morning we were heading out for a walk when a friend met us. She was on her way to an impromptu concert by an Indian raga singer. It is hard to describe this trance like singing that draws you into it. You find yourself floating into an altered state as you follow the flow of the tones up and down combined with a subtle beat.

This was followed by meditation and then, (oh I bet you can't guess) chai!

Tomorrow we will participate in a half day silent meditation. On Monday, the focus groups for the child protection team begin.

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